miercuri, 5 mai 2010


and still, you make me more and more confused.
and still, her feelings won't change.

and still, she's way too introverted.

and still...screw you!

and still, her tears do fall.

and still... I might miss you...

There's a stranger in my mirror.

Dear Self,
You couldn't be more stupid, or ignorant, or defenseless.
You know it's not ok, and you just don't care.

Your eyes are warm and wet...they don't have their chance to dry...
You should know... you've changed. and I can't recognize you anymore.

However, please take care of your feelings.
Love, the same Me.
P.S:Am I still the same?!

2 comentarii:

kiduţ tîmpix spunea...

Ce frumOs..:-<

Milk Chocolate spunea...

Yeah, you're the same:)I'm sure.